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Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting andnarrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet. Media is the plural of medium and can take a plural or singular verb, depending on the sense intended.

Role of Media in Society

The role of media is complex and varied. Sometimes, media is viewed positively by society, although it is considered overbearing and obnoxious other times. One beneficial feature of media is its use to promote education. This is achieved using several methods of communication including television shows, radio programs and literature.

                    Media is Important

Media is important because it gives us some sense of being.
We have a sense of being part of something greater then ourselves and that is
why things like twitter and facebook are so popular because they make you feel
that you are part of a wider community always interacting with each other. It
gives individuals the ability to create their own personal identity, through
mediums like facebook people can add details about themselves like what their
hobbies are and who they perceive themselves to be.

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                  7 Kinds of Media

  1. Print (books, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, etc.) from the late 15th century
  2. Recordings (gramophone records, magnetic tapes, cassettes, cartridges, CDs, DVDs) from the late 19th century Cinema from about 1900
  3. Radio from about 1910
  4. Television from about 1950
  5. Internet from about 1990
  6. Mobile phones from about 2000
  7. Augmented Reality from about now

          Privacy and Safety Concerns

The risks associated with using social networks are well-documented. One of the biggest concerns has to do with privacy and safety, particularly with regard to children and teenagers, but also with adults.

  • According to GuardChild, 29% of “internet sex crime relationships” started on a social media site. Further, in 26% of “online sex crimes against minors,” perpetrators distributed information or images of the victims via social networks.
  • Cyber-bullying is also a very big problem. According to survey, 70% of students report having witnessed “frequent bullying online” and over 40% have been victims of online bullying themselves. The vast majority (over 80%) of respondents indicated that online bullying is “easier to get away with” than in-person bullying.
  • The very nature of social networks can also lend itself to trolling, the act of intentionally posting mean or provocative messages purely to upset or anger other users. This could be due in part to perceived anonymity on the internet. Almost a third of millennials have admitted to engaging in trolling.
  • Stalking via social media is startlingly common. As 63% of Facebook profiles are public, it is very easy for exes to check up on their former partners and their new relationships. Oftentimes, you don’t know who is viewing your profile and you don’t know what could happen next. Over 80% of online stalking incidents are never reported to the authorities.
  • Nearly four in five ex-burglars have indicated that thieves watch social media to look for potential opportunities. This is because 57% of people post something about their travel plans, like a photo from the airport or “checking in” at the hotel, effectively telling would-be burglars when they should break in.

                   Modern media

Modern media comes in many different formats, including print media (books, magazines, newspapers), television, movies, video games, music, cell phones, various kinds of software, and the Internet.


                       Types of Media

                          Print Media

 Print Media

The term ‘print media’ is used to describe the traditional or “old  fashioned” print-based media that today’s parents grew up with, including newspapers, magazines, books, and comics or graphic novels.Historically, only wealthy publishers had access to sophisticated type-setting technologies necessary to create printed material, but this has changed in recent years with the widespread accessibility of desktop publishing software and print-on-demand publication services such as (LINK). More recently, electronic book readers such as the Amazon Kindle which store hundreds of books on a single device and which allow readers to directly download books and newspapers have become popular.

Image result for kathniel mega magazineImage result for everyday kath



Television has been entertaining American families for over fifty years. In the beginning, there were few programs to pick from, but today, there are literally hundreds of general and specialty channels to choose from and thousands upon thousands of programs. Where it was once the case that programs had to be watched at the time they were broadcast on a television, this is no longer the case. Today, viewers can summon a movie or television episode whenever they want, through many cable or satellite services’ pay-per-view or free on-demand services. They may also download or stream episodes from the Internet and watch them on their computers. Viewers may use DVR (digital video recorder) devices, such as a Tivo to record programs at one time and watch them at another time. Viewers with certain cell phones may even watch programs through their cell phones.

Image result for abs cbn Image result for abs cbn programs



Movies (films) are the oldest form of motion picture technology capable of capturing lifelike video-style images. Originally, movies could only be consumed at a neighborhood movie theater, but these days movies are widely available for people to consume in their homes, on their computers, and even in through their telephones. Commercial movies are broadcast on television, and via cable and satellite services which may feature High Definition (HD) video resolution and sound, essentially allowing the movie theater experience to be replicated in a home theater environment. Commercial movies are also distributed on DVD and Blu-Ray disks, which can be rented from stores and through-the-mail services such as Netflix, and through downloadable computer files, which can be legally downloaded from movie rental services such as Amazon and iTunes or streamed through Netflix or on-demand cable services. Home movies produced by amateurs with inexpensive video cameras are now also widely available through video sharing websites such as and

Image result for barcelona a love untold Image result for titanic movie

                    Video Games

Video Games

Available since the early 1980s, video games have only grown in popularity among youth. Today’s games make use of advanced graphics and processors to enable three dimensional game play featuring highly realistic landscapes and physics simulations, and the ability to compete against other players through a network connection. Modern video games are immersive, exciting and increasingly interactive. Players feel like they really are in the situation because of the life-like graphics and sounds. Through video games, youth can extend their pretend play, as they become soldiers, aliens, race car drivers, street fighters, and football players.

Related image  Image result for NBA stephen curry games in psp

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